Fees Information
St John’s Regional College is committed to offering quality education at a cost that is affordable for our community.
Fees are inclusive of classroom materials and resources for all subjects, internet and printing costs, curriculum based camps and excursions, College student planner, student ID card, College magazine and any basic College photos. The fee also includes the use of a College ICT Device for Years 7-9 and current Years 11 and 12. Year 10 Students are required to purchase their own notebook via the College’s approved vendor portal for use in senior years. The tuition fees do not include costs for the Presentation Ball or Year 12 costs for the Graduation Mass, Formal and Graduating Class Jacket.
Additional charges are imposed by the College to cover minor accidental damages to School owned ICT Devices.
Click Tuition Fees 2024 to view the 2024 ‘Tuition Fees and Charges’.
Family Discount
A family discount applies to Tuition Fees where parents have more than one child attending the College. Families do not need to apply for the discounts as they are automatically applied on the family statement so long as families supply the correct information. For further details regarding family discount please click on the ‘School fees and payment policy’ link below.
Fee Assistance
The College is committed to providing a full Catholic education for all enrolled students. Fee Assistance is available to assist families who are experiencing financial hardship.
Consideration may only be given to those who contact the College to express difficulties meeting their commitment.
It may take the form of time concession or payment concession and will be assessed on an individual basis.
To apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding (CSEF) please click here for the application form
For students OVER 16 to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding (CSEF) please click here for the application form
Invoicing & Payments
The College issues Tuition Fee invoices in January each year.
The following Tuition Fee related forms are required to be completed and returned to the College Administration Office:
- Set and Forget: Direct Debit / Credit Card Request – to be completed and returned to the Adminstration Office by 31 January.
- Payment Option Form – to be completed by all families and sent to the Administration Office by 31 January
- Concessional Fee Relief Application – please make an appointment to meet with a senior member of staff by calling the College.
- The College offers a 4.5% discount on fees if tuition fees are paid in full by 28 February.
- Please click here for the Direct Debit Application Form
All enquiries with regarding College Tuition Fees and Charges, Family Discounts, Concessions, Scholarships, Private Charter Bus and Instrumental Music lessons should be directed to the Assistant Business Manager, on 8793 2000 or email accounts@sjrc.vic.edu.au.