Cambodia Immersion
Each year we provide our senior students the opportunity to participate in our Cambodia Immersion program.
We believe it is necessary to respond to the Gospel call of Jesus in order to work towards the end of poverty, promote justice and to uphold the dignity of every human being, St John’s Regional College provides students and accompanying staff the Cambodia immersion program through which they, as people of faith, will respond in love and a deep respect for human dignity.
It will, therefore, be a time of service and be understood as an integral aspect of living our faith.
Now, more than ever, students, teachers and schools are becoming increasingly engaged global citizens through robust global education curriculum in schools. In addition there are many opportunities to travel to communities in developing countries.
For educators, creating service experiences that offer something more than simply providing a helping hand is challenging. The manner in which we undertake these activities impacts on the educational outcomes and goals for our students and schools. It is also paramount to recognise how we honour the dignity of our brothers and sisters around the world who are living in poverty and with whom we stand in solidarity.
“Our first task in approaching another people, another culture, another religion is to take off our shoes, as the place we are approaching is holy: else we may find ourselves treading on someone’s dreams. More serious still, we may forget that God was there before our arrival.”
Max Warren, Maryknoll 1987
The four core principles of Catholic Social Teaching are:
- The dignity of the person
- The common Good
- Solidarity
- Subsidiarity
From these flows the principles of the preferential option for the poor, participation, economic justice and stewardship. These principles are responsive to particular social issues such as poverty and inequality, the right to work and environmental degradations.