Social Justice
Social Justice at St John’s Regional College is about learning, living and leading; our curriculum in Religious Education and Personal Development consistently and deliberately exposes our students to the plight of people beyond our gates.
Mission Action Day – LET’S GET MAD!!!
Each year we use this day to help us look outside ourselves and our own problems and focus on others. Make a Difference Day is an important day for us to recognise that we can make a difference in the lives of those in need here in our own community and also around the world.
At St John’s, we all come together to make a difference by raising money for two outstanding missions:
Wellsprings for Women’s work with women and families here in our community of Dandenong.
Lasallian Foundation’s work education the poor throughout Asia Pacific, and specifically Pakistan
Christmas Hampers
During the lead up to Christmas festivities around the world it is important to reflect on those who may be less fortunate than most. St John’s students and staff, with the support of the St Vincent de Paul society work together to provide Hampers to families in our community who may need a helping hand at this time of the year. Each Homeroom creates a Hamper filled with an assortment products and of course compassion and love. These are passed to St Vincent’s to distribute where the need is greatest.
Caritas Australia
Caritas Australia works to end poverty and promote justice in over 35 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australia, the Pacific and the Middle East.
Caritas provide international aid and development on behalf of the Catholic Church in Australia.
We seek to:
- Deliver long-term development programs
- Help people regardless of ethnicity, religion or political beliefs
- Work with the poorest of the poor
- Help people help themselves